Hosting at Home can be a lot of fun. Don’t be intimidated or stressed out about it. Most important tip is to have a plan and prep as much as possible in advance. We love being together in the comforts of home instead of a local restaurant or bar. It saves a lot of money and it’s much more comfortable. And we just love having our family and friends over for whatever the occasion. The event here, is a Sip and See Baby Shower hosted by Nicki (Carol’s daughter) for her twin sister Megan. We must admit, we never heard of a Sip and See Shower, have you? It’s a baby shower for someone who has had a baby before. It’s for everyone to come “sip and see” baby #2 (or #3+).

The gorgeous food table is a combination or a Mezze platter, Antipasto platter but served buffet style. “Mezze” is a selection of Mediterranean small dishes. “Antipasto” is a colorful presentation of Italian meats, cheeses and olives. Together the spread is a long display across the table with a brown paper platter / table runner. Also added into the mix are breads, crackers, pitas and assorted veggies. What a spread!

There are a few small plates and boards only for the items that need to be contained like olives, hummus & dips.

The brown paper is so simple and yet so rustic and elegant too. Easy to label the cheeses and assorted foods, just write with a fine point marker. Please take note that there are different kinds of brown paper rolls. When serving food, it’s a good idea to use the kind designed for food vs the craft paper.

Look how fabulous the cut up cheeses look. Tip: take notice to the gouda cheese. The cheese is cut into small bite size cubes and placed with the outer layer – so easy and looks like a professional chef prepared it.

Some elegant touches with candles and oranges with leaves. Straight off the tree from the backyard.

Mezze Platter Foods: Hummus, Tabbouleh, Stuffed Grape Leaves, Assorted Olives, Tzatziki Dip, Sliced Pita Bread. Antipasto Platter Foods: Assorted Olives, Assorted Cheeses, Assorted Sliced Italian Meats like Salami and Prosciutto, Assorted Nuts, Grapes and assorted cut up vegetables. Optional: Keep in mind this if this the appetizers or main course. Add in more dips, cheeses, Mediterranean or Italian favorites. Keep things flowing and spread out without crowding.
The beverage station is set up in the kitchen: Rustic Beverage Dispenser filled with water and some sliced fruit. Metal Beverage Tub holds a bottle of wine, a bottle of champaign and some small bottles of water.

Tip: add a bowl of assorted berries for guests to put in their glass. Delicious, refreshing and so festive.

The Dessert Table! Homemade Lemon bars and lemon cake brought by a beautiful relative. Sugar cookies topped with homemade cream cheese frosting and fresh berries (you might remember we shared how to make these in our Baby Shower Cupcake Tower post). And on our lucite cupcake tower there are bite size french macaroons.

Tip: a bouquet of colorful flowers in a white pitcher makes a beautiful centerpiece.

Balloons and Fresh Flowers are the key decorations throughout.

The Mezza / Antipasto Table can work for any and all gatherings. From a simple & intimate evening with friends to a Holiday or Special Occasion. Wine or Book Club get together. Bridal or Baby Shower. The list is endless but one thing for sure, you don’t have to break the bank aka your wallet or break your back putting it together. Add more items or make the table smaller.

For the rest of the Sip and See. Because this is for baby #2, guests were asked to not bring a gift. But if wanted to bring something, to please bring a child’s book. On the book table is a framed picture frame holding assorted baby pictures. Yes, if the frame looks familiar, we have used it in many family celebrations, bridal showers, holiday decor and more.

One thing for sure, FrugElegance Style is the way we like to do things… Keep things simple, easy so you can enjoy the gathering too! You don’t have to do it all by yourself either. Ask friends to bring a dish. Ask friends to come early to help you set up. Most importantly, have fun! Looking for more easy ideas? We have so many wonderful easy to make recipes, DIY decor and seasonal decorating ideas. And don’t miss any new posts. Sign up on the side bar and you will receive an email when a new a new post goes live.
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