Delicious Meyer lemon season is almost over. But no worries, we’ve got a way to keep the sweet juice on hand for months. This is such a super easy way to save the juice! It saves money too. No need to buy store bought lemon juice. It’s easy to freeze and save Meyer lemon juice or any other kind of lemons.

If you are not familiar with Meyer Lemons, they are a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange. So sweet and delicious, they’re fabulous in beverages and cooking. But they do not grow year round. They are ripe late Fall through early Winter. We’ve been super lucky the past few years with our 2 Meyer Lemon Trees which have produced a large amount of lemons.

It’s so easy to freeze Meyer lemon juice to use throughout the year. It’s really as simple as that!
- Using a mesh strainer on top of a bowl, simply squeeze the lemons and let the juice collect in the bowl. The strainer collects all the seeds. A lemon juicer works well too.
- Next, pour the juice into an ice cube tray until each cube space is near full.
- Place in freezer until thoroughly frozen
- Remove all frozen lemon juice cubes. Store in labeled freezer bags. Use as needed.

Freezing in ice cube trays works with other varieties of lemons and citrus fruits. Also GREAT for Wine too! If you have leftover wine, make a few iced cubes, store and use in cooking sauces and your favorite recipes. Just pop a frozen wine cube into the pot or pan. It’s actually easier to add a frozen cube of wine then open a full bottle for a recipe (unless you want to have a glass too lol!)
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